Stonehill College durning COVID-19

Stonehil lCollege nicki pardo photography

Colleges are all about fun, laughter, hustling for good grades, and making truckloads of memories. It can be the promise of a brighter future! Young students make the best of friends and have the most amazing time of their lives while at college. Even the thought of going back to college fills one with excitement and enthusiasm.

I have been photographing the Stonehill College in Massachusets for years — their annual functions, the alumni magazine, and more in between. I have a great relationship with the department of communications here and photographing the student life and college activities has always been fun for me. But this time it was different.

Photography at Stonehill College in Times of COVID-19

After spending months photographing a feature for Stonehill College’s Magazine, COVID-19 hit and the main article had to be scrapped. The campus was deserted and the tone of the magazine had to pivot to reflect the current climate. So the whole message of  the photography for this edition of Stonehill College’s magazine had to be changed.

I headed over to campus to record the stillness that had been filled with life just one week prior. It was eerily quiet as I photographed the parking lot, normally crammed with cars. Now it had a smattering of vehicles from Alaska, California, and Florida. I headed into the main quad to see empty vistas, normally packed with students. I peeked in the windows of the buildings to see empty classrooms and silent food courts… totally surreal. An empty food court on a college campus is unheard of! As I wandered I was struck again by the beauty of the place and the sense of hope and purpose it still exudes.


To the class of 2020 — congratulations on enduring through these testing times. You are the future and I look forward to the impact you will have on this world. We need you. We welcome you. We cannot wait for you to start the next chapter of your lives. I look forward to seeing you at graduation in August!

A big ‘thank you’ to the Stonehill College staff for this beautiful relationship that we share. We have been and will remain together in happiness as well as difficult times.

The photographs captured by me and featured below were included in a ‘Stillness’ layout in the Stonehill Alumni Magazine.

Thanks so much to Stonehill College for being a part of my life and profession for so many years! I can’t wait for us all to get back at it!

Stonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photographyStonehil lCollege nicki pardo photography

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