Rules of Composition Part 2 —Framing

Rules of Composition Part 2 —Framing

Hello! I am back with our series on rules of composition in photography and am excited to share how I compose my photographs. Framing is one of my favorite rules of composition to incorporate into images, and I love the fact that I can share it with you all here. Get ready to learn with me!

What is Framing & How I Use it

Framing refers to the use of a visual element in the photograph to create a border of sorts around the subject. The frame can be made up of branches of a tree, a window, a door, a tunnel, books, or a large variety of other things. Framing gives the viewer the sense of looking through something to see the subject. As a result, the image often feels intimate. When you frame a scene while photographing, you consciously attempt to lead the viewer’s eye towards your subject and create depth in your image. Framing your subject with the elements already present around it also helps provide context to your photo. For example, flowers that only bloom in winters framed around a bride’s face would let the viewer know that it was a winter wedding. 

I like to use both natural and architectural frames for my photos. The selection of frames for your subjects comes down to where you are and what would look best. With some creative ideas, you can create stunning images with the framing technique, even with limited resources. 

Celebrate the Joy of Photography With Pardo Photo

In the end, I would say practice makes perfect, and the same goes for the field of photography. Beginners should keep learning and practicing to hone their craft. And even if you are not a professional photographer, you can use this information to take some lovely photos of your family and yourself when on vacation. 

photography framing nicki pardo photophotography framing nicki pardo photophotography framing nicki pardo photophotography framing nicki pardo photophotography framing nicki pardo photophotography framing nicki pardo photophotography framing nicki pardo photophotography framing nicki pardo photophotography framing nicki pardo photophotography framing nicki pardo photophotography framing nicki pardo photo

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