My son just graduated from the most amazing preschool. Our Redeemer Child Care gave him confidence and helped shape him into an amazing little boy. I wanted to say thank you to the staff so I met with them to photograph their families last week. Here are some of my favorites from the session. Kara and […]
Tag Archives: pardo photography

I had an amazing day with the Zukes family in Falmouth. What a treat to finally meet Anni and Tommy’s kids four years after photographing their wedding Thank you to all the Zukes and extended family! Big Hugs to you all!!!! This is my favorite from the session. Every parent has experienced this moment […]
I had the priveledge to work with Jules Ko this spring photographing Emily and Steve’s marriage. Everything about the day felt right which was due to the fact that everyone was there for one purpose. To witness the love and union of Emily and Steve. Steve and his groomsmen shared a moment of prayer before […]
When I have adults jumping off the rocks during a family photo shoot, you KNOW we had fun! I met with the Murphys, Wistrans and Gibsons on a perfect June afternoon to celebrate Mary’s birthday with a family photo session. This was one of the most fun afternoons I have had during a big family […]
I had a GREAT time with Kiran, Sachin and their boys last weekend. This is the second time I have photographed this family and I was once again struck by how kind they are to one another. You can see the love they share in every shot. I can’t wait to meet the new baby!The […]